Edit Resume Resume of John from Canada

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Enter your name
Enter Number of years experience
Enter your certifications in other technologies
Enter PHP Frameworks your worked or know
Javascript Frameworks worked or know
PHP LMS Worked or know
PHP Unit Testing frameworks worked or know
Describe Your Experience in Webservice/REST/API
Enter the domains your worked or know. Example: Healthcare, Ecommerce, Logistics...
Describe important projects your worked. Not all projects from your career, but few and what you think important
Enter the roles you played in your career
Are your comfortable with coding still?
Enter the Salary expected per annum
Enter Your Currency
Are you ready to work in different Time Zone other than your country?
Enter the job type you preferred - Permanent or Contract
Enter the languages you know. Example: English, French
Enter your Academic Education details
Are you ready to work across the Globe?
Public - Anybody can view your resume. Hidden - Your resume is hidden, nobody can view your resume.
Any other information you like to share if any
Enter your contact phone number
Enter your email address

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